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    Thank you for your interest in creating a Todd Alan Woodcraft Wholesale Account! We'd love to learn more about you and your business!

    Looking for large quantities of products for your company or business? Let us know! We have many products available for large quantity wholesale production. We also specialize in custom designs and large volume manufacturing.

    In order to maintain the goodwill of our brand’s reputation and pricing, we require compliance with our Wholesale Account terms policy.


    Terms & Conditions for Wholesale Accounts:

    We do not allow our product to be offered for sale or resale on Third-Party marketplaces or websites such as Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Walmart, Wayfair, Sears, Craigslist or any other similar websites!   

    If you are found to be selling on such sites, you will be asked to remove our products from your listings and will be at risk of  termination of your wholesale account. 

    Todd Alan Woodcraft produced products are for resale only in Brick and Mortar in-store sales, or sales on your companies specific website. 

    All resellers must comply with our MAP (minimum advertised pricing) Policy.  This policy will arrive via email once approved for a wholesale account. 

    A valid Resale License is required to sign-up for a Wholesale Account. At your earliest convenience, please attach a copy of your State Resale License in an email to: kyle@toddalanwoodcraft.com 

    Also submit your EIN (Tax ID) number with the online form.

    Your account will not be approved until we receive this documentation.  If there are any issues with your application, we will notify you via email.

    Failure to reply within 60 days will result in the denial of your application.  Turn-around time on Wholesale application approval is usually 5 business days. 

    Opening Order Minimum: $1,500.00. First order may be approved for a lower order minimum.

    Opening Order Specials: Opening orders may also qualify for any specials currently being offered to NEW Wholesale account members. 

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your business and we look forward to a successful partnership with you.

    By clicking and submitting the “Application” you acknowledge the above agreement.